Are Dermal Fillers the Answer to Youthful-Looking Skin?

By: Dr. Jerry Chidester


When you look in the mirror, do you see lines, wrinkles, deep facial folds, and deflated features staring back at you? If so, you may start to think about your options for facial rejuvenation. When a surgical facelift is not an option —or if you are looking for a facial enhancement procedure to complement your facelift surgery results — injectable dermal fillers may be worth consideration. At The Plastics Clinic, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jerry Chidester and our experienced aesthetic team are proud to offer a wide range of dermal fillers in South Jordan, UT to help men and women regain a more youthful look and boost their self-confidence. If you have questions about how fillers can help restore a younger appearance, keep reading to find the answers.

What do fillers do?

One of the most exciting things about dermal filler injections is that they can be used to address and even reverse a wide variety of aesthetic concerns, including many of the most frustrating signs of facial aging. Some of the most common issues that can be dramatically improved with injectable dermal fillers include:

  • Static lines and wrinkles
  • Deep-set wrinkles
  • Facial folds (nasolabial folds, for example)
  • Marionette lines
  • Thin lips
  • Hollow cheeks
  • Sunken circles under the eyes
  • Asymmetric nose or jawline
  • Weak or recessed chin
  • Smoker’s lines
  • Vertical lip lines
  • Aged hands

Can fillers help me look younger?

While dermal fillers can be useful for patients of almost any age, they are arguably most popular among patients in their 40s and beyond. In this patient group, dermal fillers are commonly used to smooth out static lines, fill in deep facial folds, and address volume loss that has occurred as a natural side effect of the aging process. With dermal fillers, many men and women help restore a much more youthful appearance without the need for invasive cosmetic surgery.

Which filler should I get?

At The Plastics Clinic, we offer some of the most popular and effective filler products on the market today, including:

With a variety of options to choose from, we understand that it can be difficult to understand which filler is right for you — but we are here to help. Following a comprehensive consultation and discussion of your unique concerns and goals, one of our experienced aesthetic injectors will recommend the most appropriate type of filler for you. This will vary from patient to patient based on the nature and severity of the concerns they’d like to address, any allergies they may have, and other factors.

How long will my anti-aging fillers last?

The longevity of filler results will also vary, largely based on which specific filler product was used. Additional variables — including where the filler was injected, how much filler was injected, and the patient’s overall health and lifestyle habits — can also influence how long fillers may last. Generally speaking, patients can achieve up to 12 – 18 months’ worth of results from many of the most commonly used fillers.

Look and feel more like a younger version of yourself once again with age-defying dermal fillers in South Jordan, UT

Don’t let droopy, sunken features keep you down any longer. If you’re ready to restore a more youthful appearance — but you’re not quite ready for cosmetic surgery — you may be excited to learn more about the results that are possible with injectable fillers. Take the first step in your anti-aging journey today by calling The Plastics Clinic to schedule your South Jordan, UT filler consultation with one of our knowledgeable team members, under the direction of board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jerry Chidester.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.